If life can only be in one big EDIT mode ... I will be as happy as I can be. Welcome to my Yoville life and I will tell you all about it ... tips and tricks, gimmicks, designing wows and woes, glitches ? learning experience ... sharing whatever I know and a venue for your sharing too. Let us build Yoville art knowledge together ...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Beginner’s Framework

I received a lot of requests for framework so due to insistent demand, we shall start discussion of framework on this post. For those into the series of whiteboard art and beginner’s drawing lessons --- we shall deal with that topic intermittently, I still have a few drawing exercises left to get your hands going.


We have two types of frames --- the brass landscape and the brass portrait. You can place whatever image you want on these frames. Be sure to upload your image/s on your face book photo albums/files before working on your frames.

Basically, you place your brass frame in the room, double click on it and an enlarged view comes out of your screen. Click “new image”  and you will be brought to a menu of photo albums in your profile. Click the album where your image is and then click the image

The image will be in the frame, click the red X on top then click close and you will see the framed image in your room. 


There are some complaints about some “glitches” on these frames lately (frames can‘t be used and/or the images chosen wouldn‘t stay) I really don’t have any problems with them and I do framework all the time. This is what I usually do when I get a new frame (from the old mystery deals or from the store) --- I take them out of my inventory and store them in a room.  I always place an image on the frames, then after a day or two, I use them if I need to. No harm in trying this routine for your frames !